Tuesday, 29 December 2015

How to send SMS via Asp.Net Application


 In this article I will explain how to send Free single/bulk SMS through Asp.Net Application.

   There are many websites that allow sending free messages such as Way2sms, FullOnSMS, 160by2, Site2SMS, IndyaRocks.com SMSAbc.com, Ultoo.com, SmsSpark.com SMSFI.com Freesms8, Sms440, BhokaliSMS, etc.

   I will explain it with the help of Site2SMS which uses the online API from Mashape.com.

Getting Started:
Step 1: You have to first register yourself on Site2SMS from where you will get the UserName & Password.

Step2: Now register at Mashape.com, you have to create a sample application at Mashape.com for which you will get an API key. For help go to following link, How-to-generate-Mashape-API-Key
Step 3: Now as you have the API key, lets create the application, write the following HTML to create the Form:
  1. <table>
  2. <tr>
  3. <td>
  4. Your Number:
  5. </td>
  6. <td>
  7. <asp:TextBox ID="txtNumber" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
  8. </td>
  9. <td>
  10. <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server"

  11. ErrorMessage="Required"
  12. ControlToValidate="txtNumber" ForeColor="Red"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  13. </td>
  14. ....
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, java questions and answers forum about the topic described above "How to send SMS via Asp.Net Application". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Monday, 28 December 2015

How to save data in SQLite in Unity3d

In this blog we have explained "How to save data in SQLite in Unity3d" step by step with images and complete source code. You can understand every step easily. To start up with CURD(Create,Update,Read,Delete) operations in unity3D using SQLite .

You need to follow few steps:
Steps for installing and use sqlite browser:
1.You need to have an SQLite Browser installed in your system: Which you can get from the zip folder attach with the post
2.Click on the sqlitebrowser.exe file It will not install but will be opened directly. Like This:

unity 3d

Read full blog at our highly specific C, android,iphone, Javascript,HTML, PHP developer forum about the topic described above "How to save data in SQLite in Unity3d". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Why WordPress PHP Platform Best For Blogging Sites

WordPress, an open-source content management system(CMS), is the most popular platform among developers of blogging sites. More than 23.4% of top million websites were using WordPress PHP development as of January 2015. WordPress PHP development is now seen as the most reliable blogging platform, thanks to stability and options to customize through plugins and themes.

What Makes WordPress PHP Development the Best For Blogging Sites

WordPress is the best choice especially to those who are new to blogging as it provides full control over appearance and feel of a site. WordPress frees you from the hassles of coding and comes for free. Other virtues of WordPress PHP platform for blogging sites are:

  • Support for MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL (etc)
  • Automatic generation of RSS newsfeeds
  • Easy to trackback and pingback
  • Users can post comments
  • Options to enable or disable comments on a post by post basis
  • Spam protection
  • Requires user registration
  • You can protect private posts through password
  • Offers support for the XML-RPC interface, multiple authors, bookmarklets, etc

With WordPress, you can also publish content on multiple mobile platforms, like Android, iOS, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone 7, WebOS etc. WordPress Theme is a robust feature of WordPress that allows you to make change in your site’s design with a single click of the mouse. There are no adverse impacts of WordPress Theme on your site’s content and you can make as many desirable changes as you want in your site’s design that too in quick time.

Organizing your site’s content was never so easy. WordPress comes with loaded features to help your site organize the content by day, month, year, author, blog, tag or category. Users don’t get a run around on your WordPress site when it comes to finding content they are looking for, thanks to flawless built-in search engine.

You can reach out to masses as WordPress gives you the brilliant option to translate into more than 70 languages. WordPress charges you nothing for code, meaning you can use its code for free to build new applications.

Extensive APIs of WordPress enables developers to customize their applications like the development of custom portal for news sites, some community forums for Php Questions and Answers and it also allows integration into other existing systems. WordPress gives you numerous free plugins to extend functionality and themes to make your WordPress site appear the way you want it to be.

As WordPress PHP development is highly cost-effective, flexible, scalable, secure and easier to use, it certainly becomes the best choice for blogging sites.

Read here similar type Web Mobile App Development Blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android questions and answers forum about the topic described above “Why WordPress PHP Platform Best For Blogging Sites“. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills at FindNerd’s iOS Developer Forum.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

How to set the Advanced filters in OpenERP


Step-1 Install the web_advanced_filters module. Step-2 After that custmozie .py(Python file) file in web_advanced_filters module: In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in your .py file.
  1. class IrFilters(Model):
  2. _inherit = 'ir.filters'
  3. _evaluate_before_negate = ['one2many', 'many2many']
  4. def _is_frozen_get(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args, context=None):
  5. '''determine if this is fixed list of ids'''
  6. result = {}
  7. for this in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
  8. try:
  9. domain = safe_eval(this.domain)
  10. except:
  11. domain = [expression.FALSE_LEAF]
  12. result[this.id] = (len(domain) == 1 and
  13. expression.is_leaf(domain[0]) and
  14. domain[0][0] == 'id')
  15. return result
  16. def _domain_get(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args, context=None):
  17. ...........
Read full blog at our highly specific C, android,iphone, Javascript,HTML, PHP developer forum about the topic described above How to set the Advanced filters in OpenERP. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Grouping columns and rows in Excel and Open Office Calc

In this tutorial we will talk about Grouping Columns and Rows in MS EXCEL and Open Office Calc.

Grouping allows you to group a se of rows or columns which you can expand or hide for easy readability. According to me this is really helpful and useful for handling a large spreadsheets where you want to see your data in organized manner.  

To do This below are the steps-

Step 1- Select the cells you want to be able to group, first you have to select the row or Column you want to group or on which you want to applying grouping.  

Step 2- Go to Data → Group and Outline→Group or Press F+12. After this you will see a pop-up on your screen on which there will be 2 options (1. Row and 2. Column) Select any one of the option which you want to Group. In the below example I want to Group the Column C and D to Group both of them, I will select Column C and D, Go to Data and select Group and outline and then select group (for newer version Go to Data-->Group-->Group). And then I select Column as I already mentioned that I am grouping Column C and D.  

See the screen shot below-  

alt text   Step 3- Now You can clearly see the bar which is indicating the grouped data.....

Read full blog at our highly specific C, android,iphone, Javascript,HTML, PHP developer forum about the topic described above Grouping columns and rows in Excel and Open Office Calc . You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.  

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

How to Built in Place Picker in Android

Android has now a built in Place picker, where user can pick the places. Developer can only send an intent and get result in OnActivityResult. In this blog we have explained evrything with complete source code. This is the best blog for android developers who are searching for "how to built in place picker in android".

  1. public void onPickButtonClick(View v) {
  2. // Construct an intent for the place picker
  3. try {
  4. PlacePicker.IntentBuilder intentBuilder =
  5. new PlacePicker.IntentBuilder();
  6. Intent intent = intentBuilder.build(this);
  7. // Start the intent by requesting a result,
  8. // identified by a request code.
  9. startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_PLACE_PICKER);
  10. } catch (GooglePlayServicesRepairableException e) {
  11. // ...
  12. } catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e) {
  13. // ...
  14. .........
Read full blog at our highly specific C, php,iphone, Javascript,HTML, android developer forum about the topic described above "How to Built in Place Picker in Android". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Sunday, 20 December 2015


Incase we are using RadioButton inside a Repeater, one common problem which we face is that we are not able to select single RadioButton, i.e. If we select one RadioButton, and then click on the other the other also gets selected without unselecting the first one. Even the GroupName property of the RadioButton dosen't works for this.

 The solution I got is: 1. Set the AutoPostBack property of the RadioButton to "true".
2. Make OnCheckedChanged event for the RadioButton. Example:
  1. <asp:RadioButton ID="rbtnSelectEmp" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true"
  2. OnCheckedChanged="rbtnSelectEmp_OnCheckedChanged" />
3. Inside OnCheckedChanged event write the following code:
  1. protected void rbtnSelectEmp_OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  2. {
  3. foreach (RepeaterItem item in rptEmployee.Items)
  4. {
  5. RadioButton rbtn = (RadioButton)item.FindControl("rbtnSelectEmp");
  6. ...
Read full blog at our highly specific C, android,iphone, Javascript,HTML, PHP developer forum about the topic described above Problem in selecting Radio Button inside Repeater Control . You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Cool Widgets in OpenERP

Widgets are the GUI elements that can perform some controlling tasks. In OpenERP, we can see a few of widgets that have significance in the views like statuses of the any process, seeing states of an object, or getting lists out of huge data, or splitting data.
Some interesting widgets I came across are:
selection: this widget adds a drop down list when we have many2one field, for example displaying only journal name where a journal_id is a many2one field.
  1. <field name="journal_id" widget="selection"/>
progressbar: this widget is used to show the progress of a task in percentage, so we add a float field in the model and then use in the view.
  1. 'progress': fields.float('Progress', readonly=True, help='Shows you the progress made today on the reconciliation process')
  1. <field name="progress" widget="progressbar" colspan="4"/>
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above "Cool Widgets in OpenERP". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

How to hide/show Toolbar when list is scrolling?


 This tutorial describes how to show effect when list is scrolling up and down. Hiding Toolbar and any other views when list is scrolling down and showing it again when it’s scrolling up. In this tutorial we are using RecyclerView and Tollbar to achieve this effect as we see in Google play. We will add list header on top of the list. To complete this task follow below points. 1) - First of all we will create a new project in Android studio and add some necessary libraries.
  1. compile "com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:21.0.0"
  2. compile 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:21.0.3'
2)- We will define styles.xml so that our app can use Material Theme .
  1. <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
  2. <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
  3. <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
  4. </style>
3)- Next create a activity_main.xml for our MainActivity class.
  1. <FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
  2. android:layout_width="match_parent"
  3. android:layout_height="match_parent">
  4. ....
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above How to hide/show Toolbar when list is scrolling?. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Code Analysis using FindBugs Plugin in Android Studio

Android has Lint for checking errors in Java and XML code. Lint release with every new SDK. But Lint is not find most type of bugs,exceptions and performance issue. I found one plugin for static analysis tools to analysis android Java code. It helps to improve code quality and application performance.

FindBugs divided Issues into 9 categories that are:
  1. Dodgy code
  2. Malicious code vulnerability
  3. Bad practice
  4. Correctness
  5. Internationalization
  6. Security
  7. Performance
  8. ......
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above Code Analysis using FindBugs Plugin in Android Studio. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.  

How to detect tapped word in UItextview

We might face a situation when we need to add action on tapping a particular word from a string on the iPhone screen like a link or a hashtag etc. Now though we can easily add a UITapGestureRecognizer on a UITextView or UILabel, finding the exact tapped word is tricky. Here is how to do this (using UITextView and UILongPressGestureRecognizer) :
 i) Add gesture recognizer to text view

  1. UILongPressGestureRecognizer *longPress = [[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc]initWithTarget:self action:@selector(longPressResponse:)];
  2.     [textViewDescription addGestureRecognizer:longPress];
   ii) Handle gesture recognizer

  1. - (void)longPressResponse:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {
  2.     if (recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {
  3.         CGPoint location = [recognizer locationInView:textViewDescription];
  4.         NSString *tappedWord = [self wordAtPosition:CGPointMake(location.x, location.y)];
  5. .......

Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above How to detect tapped word in UItextview. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Different Techniques Used for 3D Modeling


The concept of 3D modeling is extensively used nowadays in movies, videogames, architecture, publishing, geology, medical science etc. 3D modeling in simple words can be described as creation of a 3D image of an object using specialized software, and the process involves development of a mathematical representation of an object in three dimensions.

If you want to become a 3D artist, it’s paramount for you to become familiar with the term polygon mesh, which is a collection of vertices, edges and faces. A wide range of 3D graphics software packages is available in tech market to create polygon meshes for constructing 3D models. Maya, 3Ds Max, Lightwave, Blender and Milkshape 3D are some popular 3D modeling software artists can use for creation of 3D models. 3D models are used in movies and games to enhance engagement and interaction, thereby making them enthralling. In this blog, I am shedding light on five top techniques used for creating 3D models.

  • Primitive Modeling: Primitive modeling involves use of geometric shapes like cylinders, cones, cubes and spheres for the purpose of creating 3D models. This technique is best used in architecture for creating 3D images of furniture, building etc. Artists should not try using it for organic models or human 3D models. Max, Maya and 3DS are some software you can use for primitive modeling as they offer you tools changing shapes of an image.
  • Polygonal Modeling: This technique involves use of triangles, cubes, hexagons and other shapes. Polygonal modeling is...
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above "Different Techniques Used for 3D Modeling". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.  

Thursday, 10 December 2015

SEO Steps to Follow When Domain Name is Changed


Being an SEO professional, you must always be ready to follow the right steps during the different stage of web development along with the major changes that is happening with the domain name. There are some cases when a website owner wants to change the name of the domain from old to new due to the upgrade in the web services he is offering. It seems to be very simple for a web development team to change the name of domain from old to new domain by just putting a permanent 301 redirect in the htaccess file, however it is very critical as far as SEO is concerned associated with that domain name.

 SEO factors associated with domain name change

 If we are changing the name of domain which is running from last 2-3 years then you must consider some of the important SEO factors associated with the domain name change and these factors include:
  1. Preserving the current PR of domain.
  2. Preserving the authority of the domain.
  3. Preserving the current keyword rank.
Steps to follow for preserving SEO factors during domain change

In order to maintain the reputation of website in front of search....

Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above SEO Steps to Follow When Domain Name is Changed. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

How Web Developers Can Avoid Common SEO Errors During Development


SEO process not only starts after the website is live by the SEO experts, however there are certain other parameter which every web developer should know to avoid some of the SEO errors during the time of development. If the web developers become unaware of these type of silly errors then there could be a serious problem to the website just after it's live and it will take more time and efforts from developers and SEO professional to recover from these effects.

Avoid Common SEO Mistakes

Developers should always put robots.txt file on the root folder at the header of the draft domain like http://draft.XYZ.com, otherwise Google will also crawl your draft site URL links on its database and will show them up on search engine result page too before your site live. If web developers are working on the revamp of an existing website then...

Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above How Web Developers Can Avoid Common SEO Errors During Development. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

How to detect swipe left or right function on listview item in android


If you want to detect swipe gesture from left to right or right to left on the list view item in android. than you just have to add this Class in your activity and perform any task by detecting any type of gesture in your list item in android. Follow the instruction given below to achieve this functionality in you listview.  

This is the Class which you have to add in your activity  
  1. public static enum Action {
  2. LR, // Left to right
  3. RL, // Right to left
  4. TB, // Top to bottom
  5. BT, // Bottom to top
  6. None // Action not found
  7. }
  8. public class SwipeDetector implements View.OnTouchListener {
  9. private static final int HORIZONTAL_MIN*DISTANCE = 30; // The minimum
  10. // distance for
  11. // horizontal swipe
  12. private static final int VERTICAL_MIN_DISTANCE = 80; // The minimum distance
  13. // for vertical
  14. // swipe
  15. ...
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above "How to detect swipe left or right function on listview item in android". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.  

Monday, 7 December 2015

How To create Custom Checkbox and Radio Button Using Pure CSS

In this blog we are going to explain how to create custom checkbox and radio button using CSS. I have write CSS and HTML code separately, You can easily understand complete code. This blog is very useful for developers.


CSS :-
  1. **/*Radio button*/
  2. .radio, .checkbox{display: inline-block;}
  3. .radio { padding:5px; margin-left:40px; }
  4. .radio input[type="radio"] { opacity: 0; position: absolute; cursor:pointer;}
  5. .radio input[type="radio"] + label { color:#555; line-height:25px; display:inline-block; text-indent:-38px; }
  6. .radio input[type="radio"]:checked + label > mark:before { content:' '; background:#0d7fbe; width:12px; height:12px; display:inline-block; margin:4px; border-radius:20px;}
  7. ......
  HTML : -
  1. <div class="radio">
  2. <input type="radio" name="id" id="id_0" value="x">
  3. <label for="id_0"><mark></mark> Yes</label>
  4. </div>
  5. <div class="radio">
  6. ......
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above How To create Custom Checkbox and Radio Button Using Pure CSS. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

All You Need to Know about iOS Development

iOS, a mobile operating system, has become very popular among app developers due to skyrocketing rise in the numbers of people using iOS devices - iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV. Most clients want to join the bandwagon of iOS development as Apple acquires a big chunk of market shares in the mobile platform. For developers, there are many online forums available, where they can learn about iOS development. In this article, I am going to shed light on various platforms available for iOS development and what impact it has on the technology world. Objective-C is the programming language used for iPhone app development, though a modern programming language, called Swift, is now also available to make your life as a developer much easier.


iOS Development Cycle

There are many factors a client needs to take into consideration before starting the project of an iPhone app development. First, try finding answers to a set of questions, like what your app aims at, why people would embrace it, what all features must be there to swoon people, etc. Such a practice removes a lot of hurdles that crop up in coding phase. A plethora of options are available to decide the kind of iOS app you want to develop, such as entertainment, health care, travel, lifestyle, fun & games, etc. As an iOS developer you need to use Xcode, an integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS software. Once you download Xcode, you get a suite of software development tools, like IDE, simulators, a gamut of frameworks etc, to build apps for iOS devices.

UI for iOS app

User interface of a mobile application has to be very attractive to encourage user engagement. UIKit, Core Graphics(Quartz 2D), Core Animation, Core Image and OpenGL ES are some of iOS’s many drawing systems used for designing a beautiful UI. It’s also important to understand how Model, View, Controller (MVC) works with Xcode, as it paves the way for faster development of iOS apps with user interfaces. Apple has already made available numerous APIs to access app extensions, Photos, Healthkits, Touch ID and many more to empower your iOS app with integration of advanced features.

IOS app Outsourcing

Choosing right company for iOS app development project is the matter of paramount importance for any client to ensure the app exactly delivers what it was intended for in the very beginning. Clients can also outsource their iOS development projects as it not only saves a lot of cost for them, but ensures development of immaculate apps as well since the work is taken by developers who have a great passion for mobile apps development. Many online project and task management tools are a great resource for clients to hire freelance iOS app developers, ensuring timely completion of projects without any compromise with quality. Along with that various resources for iOS developers are also available in the form of iOS developer forum that help to learn and resolve app development queries and as a result finest product is delivered from the development end.

Read more technology blogs at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, android, iPhone developer forum .You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Friday, 4 December 2015

How to Enable New Location Dialog from Android Settings API

Enable a system location dialog ,asking user that app needs to find the current location This dialog is from Android Settings API. Check the source code below.


  1.  public class LocationData implements GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener {
  2. Context _context;
  3. Location latKnowLocation;
  4. static GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;
  5. LocationInterface loIn;
  6. StartAct startAct;
  7. PendingResult result;
  8. //Location requests
  9. LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create()
  10. .setInterval(10 * 60 * 1000) // every 10 minutes
  11. .setExpirationDuration(10 * 1000) // After 10 seconds
  12. .setPriority(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY);
  13. LocationSettingsRequest.Builder builder;
  14. public LocationData(Context con) {
  15. _context = con;
  16. mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(con.getApplicationContext())
  17. .addConnectionCallbacks(this)
  18. .addOnConnectionFailedListener(this)
  19. .addApi(LocationServices.API)
  20. .build();
  21. mGoogleApiClient.connect();
  22. //initialize the builder and add location request paramenter like HIGH Aurracy
  23. builder = new LocationSettingsRequest.Builder()
  24. .addLocationRequest(locationRequest);
  25. // set builder to always true (Shows the dialog after never operation too)
  26. builder.setAlwaysShow(true);
  27. // Then check whether current location settings are satisfied:
  28. result =
  29. LocationServices.SettingsApi.checkLocationSettings(mGoogleApiClient, builder.build());
  30. }
  31. // call back for other class
  32. public void callbacksResults()
  33. {
  34. // call backs for lcoation status
  35. result.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback() {
  36. @Override
  37. public void onResult(LocationSettingsResult result) {
  38. final Status status = result.getStatus();
  39. final LocationSettingsStates state = result.getLocationSettingsStates();
  40. switch (status.getStatusCode()) {
  41. case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.SUCCESS:
  42. // All location settings are satisfied. The client can initialize location
  43. // requests here.
  44. if(mGoogleApiClient.isConnected())
  45. {
  46. latKnowLocation = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(mGoogleApiClient);
  47. }
  48. break;
  49. case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.RESOLUTION_REQUIRED:
  50. // Location settings are not satisfied. But could be fixed by showing the user
  51. // a dialog.
  52. try {
  53. status.startResolutionForResult((Activity) _context, Constants.REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS);
  54. } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
  55. e.printStackTrace();
  56. }
  57. break;
  58. case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.SETTINGS_CHANGE_UNAVAILABLE:
  59. // Location settings are not satisfied. However, we have no way to fix the
  60. // settings so we won't show the dialog.
  61. break;
  62. }
  63. }
  64. });
  65. }
  66. // call back for other class
  67. public void callbacksResultsSplash()
  68. {
  69. // call backs for lcoation status
  70. result.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback() {
  71. @Override
  72. public void onResult(LocationSettingsResult result) {
  73. final Status status = result.getStatus();
  74. final LocationSettingsStates state = result.getLocationSettingsStates();
  75. switch (status.getStatusCode()) {
  76. case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.SUCCESS:
  77. .......
  Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android developer forum about the topic described above "How to Enable New Location Dialog from Android Settings API". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.