Thursday, 28 July 2016

How to use Pattern Attribute in Html5


Pattern Attribute:

Pattern attribute is used for input field validation and used  to provide  a regular expression which is used to match  the input fields value whether the value is according to the pattern specified or not.

When user  enter a value in the input field and if the value entered is  not as per the  expected format, then a error is thrown and our form will not submit until user does not provide correct format value.

Read more about How to use Pattern Attribute in Html5 visit Findnerd. 

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Basic Skills That Every Tester Should Have


Basic Skills That Every Tester Should Have

1. Documentation:

Documentation is necessary to testing. Also, ensure that you see the value of the documentation process. The benefits of documentation are, it will help you to track requirement changes, track down the test steps, log your work, etc.

2. Test Preparation:

Of all the documents available, the following can’t be neglected. It is also known as deliverable documents and they linked the client, developer and tester understanding.

Read more about Basic Skills That Every Tester Should Have visit Findnerd.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

6 Easy Steps to Add Twitter Feeds to Your Webpage


If you want to embed multiple Tweets on our website in a compact, single-column view and want to display the latest Tweets from a single Twitter account for this a Twitter collection may be rendered in either a list or a responsive grid template.

The steps below will help you. Ones you started using Twitter account, The most reliable and easy approach is that you can put the official Twitter widget on your website.

The widget can be embedded on any website that allows the use of JavaScript. The Widget is very clever and intelligent to handle size adjustment when using a responsive website.

Step 1. Go to twitter setting

Step 2: Select Twitter Widgets

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Simple chat application in node.js


Today, I am going to show you, how to create a simple chat application in node js using a special model "". It simply transmits messages from one client to all others.
For this, I am going to create two files:-

1: main.js (Server root files)

2: index.html

Read more about Simple chat application in node.js visit Findnerd.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How to avoid duplicate data insertion using php and MySql


This blog will help user learn how to avoid the duplicate entries in the database. Storing duplicate values in the table must be avoided while inserting data in the database table. As these duplicate entries can create many problem in the application.

Developers go with many data insertion practice to avoid duplicate entry which are discussed as below:

1- Remove duplicate values using 'DISTINCT' key in mysql query, if it is present in table.

2- Check whether the value is present in table or not using PHP and Mysql before inserting data into the table.

3- We can also avoid duplicate values storing in mysql table while inserting by primary key.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Password hashing in wordpress using PHP


WordPress doesn't ever store client passwords as plain content. This is the essential motivation behind why, on the off chance that you forget or lose your password, you have to reset it.

Your password is not stored by wordpress, regardless of the possibility that if your database is hacked, the hacker won't does not know what your original password was. This is the reason why we hashed our password.

Distinctive hashing calculations have contrasting levels of security in light of the relative sizes of the hash strings created.

Read more about Password hashing in wordpress using PHP visit Findnerd.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Genie effect on Ubuntu


This is an interesting blog if you want to use Mac OS like Genie effect on your Ubuntu machine then this blog might be useful for you.

Follow these steps and at the end you will get changed minimized and maximized animations which looks cool.

  • You need to install "compiz” and “CompizConfig Settings Manager” from Ubuntu software center.

  • Go to Ubuntu Dash and type compizConfig Setting Manager

Read more about Genie effect on Ubuntu visit Findnerd.

Tower of Hanoi Implementation in Java


Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle. It is also known as Tower of Brahma or Locus' Tower. This puzzle consist of three rods in which disks can slide.

There are some number of disks are placed on a rod in increasing order of their disk size form top to bottom. Now we have to transfer all the disk to another rod. Keeping in mind that.

  1. Only one disk can be moved at a time.

  1. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack.

  1. No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.

Read more about Tower of Hanoi Implementation in Java visit Findnerd.