Monday, 30 May 2016

Shake Detector in Android


In Android, the most commonly used sensors are the accelerometer, it is used to measure acceleration. Here it is explained how to detect a shake motion.
Step 1. Create Class ShakeDetector that will extend SensorEventListener:-

Step 1(a) :-  Declare the required variable :-
  1. /*gForce Must be greater than 1G (one earth gravity unit).*/
  2. private static final float THRESHOLD_GRAVITY = 3.2F;
  3. private static final int SLOP_TIME_MS = 1000; /*This decide after how much interval shake will detect */
  4. private static final int COUNT_RESET_TIME_MS = 3000;
  5. private Double mAccelCurrent, gForce = 0.00, mAccelLast = 0.00, mAccel = 0.00;
  6. private OnShakeListener mListener;
  7. private long mShakeTimestamp;
  8. private int mShakeCount;

Read more about the Shake Detector in Android visit Findnerd.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Best Practices to Create Multichannel Preview


Multi Channel Preview Interface in PIM introduces user to get enriched information about the Products through different channels before the Product is actually Publish. Common Channels like mobile, web shops etc. Managing the displayed output in a particular channel for the User is the ultimate task of PIM.

Best Practices to Create The Preview are as follows :
  • Creating Multi Channel Preview.
  • Using Functions that are available
  • Best way to Include Images in the Preview Template
  • Problems to Identify

Read more about Best Practices to Create Multi Channel Preview visit Findnerd.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

7 Amazing Ways to Use Typography Effectively in Web Design

7 amazing ways.jpg

They say ‘First Impressions are the last impressions’. Whether you believe it or not, the font-faces and the typography create immense impact on the mood, user experience, readability, anticipated article length and much more. Typography is present everywhere throughout the World Wide Web. A number of missions and varied applications rely on the chosen typography fonts to legibly and cleanly convey the web-based products to the readers or target audiences.

A good Web Typography has the potential to reveal a quick response and ability to create an atmosphere, much similar to the human voice. It is one of the most important element for a successful website design.

It is very much important that a professional web designer should understand and apprehend various typography designs and principles that helps them to create a gratifying and a pleasing web design.

An Overview to HTML5


What is HTML5?

  • It is a Hyper Text Markup Language which is used for structuring and presenting content on Internet.
  • It is the current version for HTML.
  • Its previous version was HTML 4.01.
  • It is the 5'th version of the HTML standard.
  • It's main aim to improve the language that supports latest multimedia and easily accessible for the developers.

 Some rules for HTML5:-

  1. All the new features introduced should be based on HTML, CSS , DOM , and JavaScript.
  2. It reduces the need for the additional plugins.
  3. It has better error handling technique.
  4. It is device independent.
  5. It has more markup for replacing the scripting.

Read more about An Overview to HTML5 visit Findnerd.