Friday, 30 October 2015

Front-end Development With AngularJS


Front-end development is basically a mix of HTML, CSS and Javascript used to create websites or web apps that allow users to have direct interaction.In this blogs We have explained all about front-end development with angular JS. Users grasp more information when they do not face hassles of slow pages and poor interfaces. The aim of front-end developers is to create a website that loads in the blink of an eye after a user types in the URL and presses enter. The website should further impress the user with its brilliant layout, well-constructed pages and impressive visuals.


Now arises a question which is the best, trouble-free framework among Backbone javascript, Angular.js and Ember javascript to develop a website that paves the way for users to clearly read and understand information on the web. Well, Angular.js, since it came into existence, has gained immense popularity over other frameworks due to its unique and innovative features.

 Read Full Blog : Front-end Development With AngularJS

 You can check more Open ERP blogs in FindNerd. Apart from this you can also post and view C, PHP, JAVA, HTML, iOS and Android questions and answers at FindNerd’s community forum.  

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

How to make the sale Order Double Validation in OpenERP/Odoo ?

In this blog we have explained about "How to make the sale Order Double Validation in OpenERP/Odoo" and how to install module in OpenERP.This blog is very helpful for developer you should read this. Create a Dynamic View in OpenERP/ ODOO
Sales module OpenERP is utilized to manage Sales from OpenERP. In OpenEPR v7, when a sale is engendered, Utilizer have the option to attest the sale to engendered invoice and/or distribution order predicated on the configuration take in the sale order.

 In some rigid, we have an intermediate stage of Approbation in sale order. Ahead the sale order is corroborated, it should be approved by another higher ascendancy. In most of the cases the approbation power depends on the approbation limit set for each utilizer. This facility is currently available in purchase by installing purchase_double_validation module. In purchase..

Read Full Blog :How to make the sale Order Double Validation in OpenERP/Odoo ?

You can check more Open ERP blogs in FindNerd. Apart from this you can also post and view c, PHP, JAVA, HTML, iOS and Android questions and answers at FindNerd’s community forum.

Add/Delete group price in magento pro-grammatically

In this blog we have explained how to Add/Delete group price in magneto pro-grammatically. We have described in this blog step by step process with complete programming(code). You can easily understand how to use in magneto. Please follow all steps. add-delete 1- Load product by Sku or Id -
  1. $u_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku', $sku);
2 - Delete group price
  1. $u_product->setData('group_price',array());
  2. $u_product->save();
  3. ....
Read Full Blog : Add/Delete group price in magento pro-grammaticall Apart from this you can also post and view c, PHP, JAVA, HTML, iOS and Android questions and answers at FindNerd's community forum.  

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tutorial to build a website in Odoo

In this blog we have described step by step process how to build a website in Odoo. You can check related blogs on website development in odoo at  

Step-1 Go to Settings->Modules->install Website Builder Module.


Step-2 Go to website Menu -> Click on Content button.


Step 3 Read Full Blog : Tutorial to build a website in Odoo

Apart from that you can check more informatics and technology blogs related C, PHP,Java, Android, HTML and android , also you can ask questions at android developer forum and get answers instantly from the experienced community members.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

XMPP Integration Using iOS SDKS

If you want to add chat functionality in your iOS app . Then this blog can help you to do some basic chat functionality. Such as creating xmpp session , login on sever, creating room, getting list of login buddies and chatting.
First step download the XMPP framework from the following link :
call this function to start and setup xmpp stream
  1. -(void)startXMPP:(id)viewController{
  2. [DDLog addLogger:[DDTTYLogger sharedInstance]];

  3. // Setup the XMPP stream
  4. NSLog(@"XMPP new method called");
  5. self.delegate=viewController;
  6. [self setupStream];
  7. if (![self connect])
  8. {
  9. dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.0 * NSEC_PER_SEC);
  10. dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){

  11. });
  12. }

  13. }
- Read the full Blog at : XMPP Integration Using iOS SDKS
Our Java developer forum forum is developed for those tech geeks who don’t want to wait for a longer duration of time, as the community members within FindNerd can answer any android query within shortest possible time frame.
Apart from this, If you have any language query like C, Java, JavaScript, iOS, Html, PHP etc . you can post at FindNerd’s  Php questions and answers forum.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

How to Add and Remove items in array using AngularJS

With the help of Angularjs, We can dynamically add or remove list items in an array. It is shown In the example given below. Addition of the list items is done using 'push' method and removal of the item is done using “splice” method. Controller-

<div><input type="text" value="ItemName" placeholder="name of new item..." />
<button>Add Me</button>
<ul class="nav">
    <li id="item{{}}"><a href="#">{{item.title}}</a> <a class="delete-item">x</a></li>

'push' Method-

- Read the full Blog at: How to Add and Remove items in array using AngularJS.

Our Php developer forum forum is developed for those tech geeks who don’t want to wait for a longer duration of time, as the community members within FindNerd can answer any android query within shortest possible time frame.

Apart from this, If you have any language query like C, Java, JavaScript, iOS, Html, PHP etc . you can post at FindNerd’s Java questions and answers.

Dynamicaly Load More Items to the ListView

To dynamically load more items to the ListView when you scroll at the bottom, we implement onScroll() method in which we can find out the which item is visible when we will reach at bottom it will load more items.
Following steps are used for this:

Adding footer view on ListView: For this we will create an XML file that will define how the footer of your ListView will look like.

Read the full set of codes at FindNerd's Blog Post: Dynamicaly Load More Items to the ListView

FindNerd’s Php questions and answers forum is developed for those tech geeks who don’t want to wait for a longer duration of time, as the community members within FindNerd can answer any android query within shortest possible time frame.

Apart from this, If you have any language query like C, Java, JavaScript, iOS, Html, PHP etc . you can post at FindNerd’s Java questions and answers forum.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Create a Dynamic View in OpenERP/ ODOO

In dynamic view we can manage view from xml file. Therefore you can create a dynamic view as done in example stated below
  1. <record model="ir.ui.view" id="session_tree">
  2. <field name="name">session tree</field>
  3. <field name="model">session</field>
  4. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  5. <tree string="Session">
  6. <field name="name"/>
  7. <field name="start_date"/>
  8. <field name="duration"/>
  9. <field name="seat"/>
  10. <field name="attendee1"/>
  11. <field name="instructor"/>
  12. <field name="course"/>
  13. </tree>
  14. </field>
  15. </record>
Create a Dynamic View in OpenERP/ ODOOFor complete set of codes, read full Blog at: Create a Dynamic View in OpenERP/ ODOO
FindNerd’s Php questions and answers forum is developed for those tech geeks who don’t want to wait for a longer duration of time, as the community members within FindNerd can answer any android query within shortest possible time frame.
Apart from this, If you have any language query like C, Java, JavaScript, iOS, Html, PHP etc . you can post at FindNerd’s Java questions and answers forum.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Protecting Your CakePhp Application Against SQL Injection

SQL injection is a technique where malicious users can inject the SQL commands /queries into an SQL statement, resulting in false input of the web page and the security of a web application.
Eventually CakePhp already protects the application against the SQL Injection if you are using the CakePhp's methods like find() and save() and proper array notation (ie. array('field' => $value))
Still, it is sometimes necessary to perform manual queries, which can be done with Model::Query.

- Read the full Blog at: Protecting Your CakePhp Application Against SQL Injection

Our Php questions and answers forum is developed for those tech geeks who don’t want to wait for a longer duration of time, as the community members within FindNerd can answer any android query within shortest possible time frame.

Apart from this, If you have any language query like C, Java, JavaScript, iOS, Html, PHP etc . you can post at FindNerd’s Java developer forum.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

How to import the Products data through csv file in OpenERP(Odoo)?

If you want to import the customer data through csv file in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:- Step-1 Go to purchases Menu and Click it.


Our Java developer forum forum is developed for those tech geeks who don’t want to wait for a longer duration of time, as the community members within FindNerd can answer any android query within shortest possible time frame.

Apart from this, If you have any language query like C, Java, JavaScript, iOS, Html, PHP etc . you can post at FindNerd’s Php questions and answers.

Monday, 5 October 2015

How to create an "Admin Panel" for a project in cakephp ?

We can use a plugin, that will help us to create an admin panel in a very short span of time.
For cakephp framework there is a plugin named as “BrowniePHP”.

One should know how to create web sites and web applications using cakephp framework.

Setting up the BrowniePHP:
    1. . Create a basic web application in cakephp framework that have it's own database.
    2. . Download the pluging (link:
    3. . Now extract the downloaded package into the floder : app/Plugin/Brownie
    4. . Now add the Brownie panel component in the below mentioned file of your main application :

-Read the full Blog at: How to create an "Admin Panel" for a project in cakephp ?

Our Php developer forum forum is developed for those tech geeks who don’t want to wait for a longer duration of time, as the community members within FindNerd can answer any android query within shortest possible time frame.

 Apart from this, If you have any language query like C, Java, JavaScript, iOS, Html, PHP etc . you can post at FindNerd’s Java questions and answers.